Operations Team
Want to join the team?
Our Goal:
To be genuine people who honor the Lord and serve the community.
To be a team of Spirit-filled Leaders used by the Lord to lead others into God’s presence.
To help create and protect the atmosphere in which the Spirit of God is invited to save, deliver, heal and transform lives.
To minister with excellence and in humility.
Why Our Team?
From safety and medical to facilities and events, the Operations Team is the backbone of all that happens at New Life. Being on this team means being a part of something that humbly supports all the different ministries and gives them a chance to impact peoples lives.
Safety & Medical Team:
A Church Safety Team is a group of church members called to minister to the flock. They are a vital asset. Members of this ministry are members and regular attendees of the church, are able to perform the functions of the team without physical limitation and be people of good character, honesty and integrity. They improve the church daily by streamlining processes, improving visitor experiences and increasing overall safety for everyone on the property.
Our Medical team offers care and compassionate medical assistance to anyone in need during our weekend services.
Facility Team:
Facility team members provide assistance in set-up, tear down, and clean-up of events and weekend services.
Event Team:
This ministry team provides fellowship and connections. It also provides an opportunity for the congregation, friends, family, etc. to socialize, have fun, and become connected with each other on a different level than what you experience on Sundays in church.
Next Steps:
If you're interested in joining one of these teams please fill out a connection card below