Guidelines and Expectations
Our philosophy is Belong – Believe – Behave when it comes to students. We want them to feel that they Belong to our group. If they feel they Belong they come to Believe in Christ and soon they will Behave as Christ followers. This philosophy of Belong – Believe – Behave does not preclude our guidelines and expectations. Just as there are guidelines in school, work, and areas in life we have guidelines and expectations we require saved or unsaved students to follow. Click on the topics below to see our guidelines and expectations on that topic.
Any student attending Youth Group programs and activities is expected to be involved in what is going on as a whole (e.g., Mid-week attendance requires students to be with the group and not off on their own or with another disinterested group).
If a student acts in a way to disrupt the progress of the group. He/she will be counseled by an adult leader. If the problem cannot be handled in a satisfactory manner by the youth staff, the parent(s) will be contacted. If there is a continual problem, the student may be asked not to attend youth group for a period of time. We will not allow any one individual to disrupt the group in a manner that sacrifices the continuity and success of the youth ministry.
For the sake of insurance issues, safety, parental preferences, and youth group unity, no student will be allowed to drive on any official youth group outing away from the church, unless there are special circumstances that warrant the need. Absolutely, no student will be allowed to drive another student on any official youth outing. Any concerns with this matter must be directed to a church staff member.
While we do not legislate dress for the youth group events and church worship services, we do encourage students to dress appropriately and modestly. Should a teen dress inappropriately for any activity the youth staff will counsel the individual personally in a kind way so as to ensure understanding on both sides of what is and what is not appropriate for the youth activities and events.
We have many students who are volunteering and serving in a variety of ministries at New Life Community Church. We believe in service. We also believe our young people need to grow spiritually. Our priority is to equip students for service to build up the body of Christ. Often service can unknowingly replace opportunities for equipping. The teenage years are primarily a time for equipping. Therefore, we require all student leaders and interns to participate in corporate Sunday worship. They may not serve in two consecutive services. It is also required that our student leaders and interns participate in youth group as students. We want our teens to enjoy being teens.
While the youth ministry of New Life Community Church does not necessarily promote “dating”, we are aware of the various dangers and problems dating can cause in a teenager’s life. Therefore, we are pro-active in teaching strong “dating standards”, as well as monitoring “couples” in their physical involvement. We do not allow couples to be inappropriate in their physical contact while at youth activities and functions. Any problems will be counseled by our youth staff, and if not rectified, parents will be notified.
All are welcome to attend youth ministry programs and activities no matter how a person chooses to identify as. Holding with the Doctrinal Statement of New Life Community Church we teach that the Lord has perfectly designed each person in His own image. He has given a sexual identity that cannot be changed. Born male they are male. Born female, they are female. We will not accommodate those who desire to identify differently. A person born male will be in a male group and use the male restrooms. A person born female will attend a female group and will only use the female restrooms.
All are welcome to attend youth ministry programs and activities no matter how a person chooses to identify as. Holding with the Doctrinal Statement of New Life Community Church we teach that the Lord has made man for woman and woman for man. We cannot accommodate for special circumstances. If a homosexual couple desires to attend camp for example, they cannot sleep in the same room. If we cannot accommodate having multiple rooms, then both students will be asked if one would volunteer not to go. If neither volunteer both students will not be allowed to attend the overnight event.
It is the desire of the staff and Elders of New Life Community Church that all parents of Jr. & Sr. High students be connected to the various ministries at New Life. Our Next Steps Pastor would like to connect you with a community to be involved with. We target to have every parent plugged into one of our Missional Communities for the purpose of assimilation, communication and caring for each other. Click here for more information on these Missional Communities
Want to help us do what we do? There are many ways parents can help us minister to teens more effectively. Teamwork between the staff, volunteers, and parents is essential. Here are some ways you can help us.
a. Send cards and notes of encouragement to our adult volunteer staff
b. Let us know about your teen’s life. (Sports, activities, awards, problems, concerns, or illness)
c. Talk to a youth staff member honestly about any concerns you may have regarding Youth Ministry.
d. Share creative thoughts and ideas.
e. Encourage faithfulness in your teen’s attendance. We can only influence when your teen is present.
f. Be positive around your teen about the Church and Youth Ministry leadership and volunteers.
g. Be an active prayer partner with the Youth Ministry.
h. Join us anytime. Come and observe what we do, how we do it, help us do it better.
Questions? Feel free to email Pastor Rance at rancemeyers@nlcc.org.